Getting Involved

For many people who experienced childhood abuse in an institutional setting including out-of-home care, opportunities for their voice to be heard, and to form networks with others who have shared experiences are important parts of the healing process.

Just as important, is the recognition by Governments of the need to provide services, or improve the services that are currently available, that are specific to the needs of people who experienced childhood abuse.


These include support and advocacy services, information and referral, and counselling. However they also include programs to tackle health and ageing, housing and homelessness, and adult literacy and numeracy and other education services. The 2009 Forgotten Australians and Lost Innocents Revisited Report to the Australian Senate particularly pointed out a need for “recognising and meeting the needs of older care leavers in the funding and development of health, housing, aged care and education programs; and ensuring that appropriate services are provided".

We would like to acknowledge and thank those many survivors of institutional child abuse who have participated in the many working groups, consultations and reference groups. Their dedication and commitment to involuntarily giving their time, knowledge and experiences for the purpose of improving the lives of all adults, who as children experienced out-of-home care, has been invaluable.

Peer Luncheon on Tuesdays, Lotus Place SQ

For more information on these and other services, please contact Lotus Place.

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