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Remembrance Day 2017 Address by Karyn Walsh
"Remembrance Day 2017 falls within the last year of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Australia. The Royal Commission has brought national attention to the prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse and related issues within institutional settings: institutions which were established to care for, protect, nurture and educate children.
Instead, cultures of neglect and secrecy were created for the purpose of protecting institutions, and covering up criminal activities and abuse of power, leaving the legacy of lifetimes of pain and loss for victims and survivors of the abuse.
Many reports have validated that abuse and crimes did occur, as well as the impact on children throughout their adult life.
The Royal Commission has had the power and mandate to put on public record the responses and, in many cases, the cover-ups by the institutions when abuse and or crimes were reported by children or other adults.
We pay tribute to each of you with us today. We remember those who have passed away and those at home."